Mid-Scotland and Fife MSP Claire Baker MSP joined NHS Scotland in helping to promote their Keep Well initiative by undertaking a health check on the Revolution Bus at the local Asda store in Kirkcaldy.

Keep Well is a Scotland wide programme of targeted health checks that offers a systematic cardiovascular risk assessment for people aged between 40-64 years, without existing cardiovascular disease (CVD), but are at greatest risk of preventable ill health because of their life circumstances.

Cardiovascular disease affects the heart and blood vessels and can include coronary heart disease. The Keep Well programme also targets those aged 35-64 years who have a higher than average risk of developing CVD, such as Gypsy Travellers, South Asian and Black Afro Caribbean populations, those who are homeless, those suffering from substance misuse and offender populations.

The focus is on early detection and risk reduction; assessment consists of weight, height, body mass index (BMI) waist measurement and cholesterol and glucose testing (via a simple finger-prick). Keep Well also explore lifestyle, such as smoking, exercise and diet, and can offer free referral to a variety of other services that will help modify any risk present.

Locally in Fife a small team of nurses deliver the health check from a variety of venues, including the Revolution Bus which enables them to get as close to the communities as possible, straight to the people that need it most. They also work out of many of the Fire Stations around Fife, Mosques, Churches and are regular users of community centres and community use schools; 9 pharmacies across Fife also deliver the service on behalf of NHS Fife.

Speaking after her health check, Claire Baker MSP said:

“Keep Well is a great initiative that can help save lives. With health checks available at convenient times around Fife, be it on the Revolution Bus or in community centres or your local pharmacy it is really easy to get a check-up.

“The service should be applauded for reaching groups most at risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Often people at high risk might not be registered to a local GP so Keep Well may be the only option open to them.

“Getting a check-up was quick and easy and the staff were lovely, I’d strongly urge readers to take half an hour out their day and get a check-up that may add 10 years to their life. ”