Claire welcomes the support of the Citizens Advice Service in the Kingdom

Claire Baker MSP has warmly welcomed the work undertaken by the Citizens Advice Service Scotland in Fife after a recent survey found they contributed to 92 jobs and £2 million in wages to the Fife Council area.

The study by Fraser of Allander Institute found that the total common good of the Citizens Advice Service across the whole of Scotland totalled £166.2 million.

The Service also contributes an annual client financial income of £63 million which results in a further £27.4 million in wages and 1246 jobs. It is from this fund that the Fife Council area benefits from the 92 jobs and £2 million in wages.

The Scottish Citizens Advice Bureaux Service has been offering advice in Scotland since 1939. Since its formation the Citizens Advice Bureaux has offered confidential advice and information for free to ensure individuals don’t suffer through a lack of knowledge of their rights and responsibilities.

Citizens Advice Scotland is the national umbrella body that provides support for the Bureaux’s across Scotland. It is a membership organisation that aims to shape policy in Scotland and the UK through the experience of its members and clients.

Speaking in Parliament after meeting Citizens Advice Scotland, Claire Baker MSP said:

“The money and jobs that is invested in Fife by Citizens Advice Scotland is vital not just for those that benefit from the jobs but for the local community as a whole. It’s important that during these difficult economic times that support is offered to communities and CAS fits that bill.

“The service has helped a lot of people with advice and information across Fife. With the huge challenges facing people across the Kingdom from welfare changes and with the rise of payday loans its essential that the public have an independent and confidential point of contact for any help they may need.

“It was great to meet with them in Parliament to discuss their work across the Kingdom and hear about their great success stories. I hope to visit their bureaux in Fife in the near future and see first-hand the help the offer.”